Busy Week Recap:
9/20 Thursday: Driving and moving to Ashland
This is my roommate Muriel. After messaging each other through e-mail, phone, and facebook for a few weeks, we finally met!! She is cute and sweet. We will be living together for the next 10 weeks.
This was I saw when I first entered my doom. She was so kind, she even bought me a gift from her hometown Sitika. What a wonderful welcome gift.
Our parents talking during the dinner. They are great people. It was so nice to meet them. 9/21 Friday: Welcome Parties
I ate LOTS of free food and received many free stuff from SOU.
Free water bottles: It is so useful. I use it to drink water every day. There is not a lot of school give out free water bottle.
I like events with free food, but they are usually not good or unhealthy. However, all the free food served at welcome events was delicious and healthy. They even had gorgeous desserts: Blackberry Tart with Chocolate on Top with Cannoli. Yum!! I think I ate too much desserts.
Thanks SOU for treating us SO WELL.
9/22 Saturday: Good Bye Parents and Football Game
My mom and I in front of my dorm. We took this photo before she left me. I will miss her (especially her cooking) like insane!!

At the Football game. I got my first face painting experience.
We beat the other team so easily!!
9/23 Sunday: Hiking Trip
I went to Mountain of Ashland for hiking with SOU outdoor program. The day was just perfect for hiking. (There are a lot to talk about, so I will do another post just about the hiking trip)
The Hiking Group
Elegant View
9/24 Monday: First Day of Class + Packing: Since I have not been in school for more than a year. The first day of school made me nervous, but I survived it. The hard part was after class, I have to pack and make a list for what to bring from Portland.
9/25 Tuesday: Career Showcase in Portland

This is my accounting classmate Tamra. We carpooled together to go to the office visits and showcase. Even though we are classmates, we never met because the classes we took together were online. I was happy that I finally met one of my classmates from online classes.
9/27 Thursday: 8:30 class!! I made to the class on time, and I was able to focus and not feel tired during class. I am a little proud myself for surviving the first/crazy week.
During the weekend, I did some catch up and relaxing. I think I did more relaxing than catch up. I was super tired, so I guess that OK. Tomorrow (Monday), I will back to the normal routine. Now I am gradually adapting to SOU campus and Ashland. It is a beautiful school and fantastic town.
I wish Portland and Ashland were closer. I am looking forward to work hard and make a lot of friends. And after this term, I will be studying to death for my CPA exam!! Exciting!?
You did a wonderful job,and I am proud of you.