This is my first post for December. I can't believe it is already December, and it is almost middle of the month. I am sorry that I have not been blogging since Thanksgiving because there were dead week and final weeks, so I was EXTREMELY busy. Beside studying, there were so many other things going on as well.
I studied A LOT during those two weeks, and I loved get in groups and study with other people. I had two study groups.

First one was with my hall mates in the library. We reserved a room. I was pretty much live in the library around that time.
Another one was with my classmate. We were suppose to go to the library, but I decide to have it in my room. This happened the night before the test, and we were basically cramming everything.
However, there are some fun going on, which added some excitements and made the weeks brighter.

1. Friends' Birthday Surprise Party: two of my friends had birthday on the weekend before final, so we decide to throw a "Surprise Birthday Party"!! Although we were busy studying for finals, many people still managed to show up and celebrate.
2. Baking Cookies: I baked Christmas cookies for my hall mates as my christmas gift. I felt glad that the cookies turned out to be successful. One of the girl from my hall helped me making them, so it saved me so much work. Thank you!!
3. Book Sale: Business club had our quarterly Business Textbook Sale. We buy and sell old books from students. Unfortunately, I did not want to sell any of my accounting books, and I am done with the program, so I did not have to buy any books.
There were also something that helped me release stress and gave me relaxation.
1. Exercise: This helped me study better because moving my body gave me motivation. After a nice workout, I feel I cleared my mind and my brain feels refreshed.
2. Choir Concert: My roommate was involved in the choir, so I went the concert. They sang some Christmas music and sounded beautifully. Listening to classical music makes me relax.
3. Food: I was lucky that many meal related events going on. First, there was "Holiday Dinner with the Business Chair" from Business Club. It was a potluck style dinner, and there were warm comfort dishes. Then there was "Winter Wonderland Dinner Buffet" from the dining. It served various kinds of delicious food. Last one was the "Midnight Pancake Feed" from the Housing. I think the best time for eating breakfast in the midnight is the dead week.
After all the busyness, I had to pack and drove back about 2 hours after my last final. Crazy!?
Overall, I am HOME from school!! Let's the winter break begin.
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