Capture the Moment
Finding beauty in the most ordinary life. I believe everybody's life can be wonderful by EMBRACING everything: Explore, Motivate, Brighten, Relish, Appreciate, Cherish, Inspire, Nurture, Gratitude
Friday, April 1, 2022
Sunday, January 10, 2021
Happy 2021 and I am BACK!!
Hello BLOG!
I can't believe my last post was almost TWO YEARS AGO!! So Sorry for lost in touch with you! I have been wanting to come back for a long time. 2019 was a pretty rough year in personal life and I was trying to recover during 2020 and then pandemic hit.
I understand that I should keep updating the blogs for my selfcare; however, when I write, I want to write POSTIVE INSPIRATION. I was being little negative, so I didn't want my post to sound so negative and regret to post later on.
NOW I am back, regardless what 2021 will bring me to, I will bring more positive content to my blog. 2019 and 2020 really trained and changed my positive mindset. My old way of staying positive is that problems will pass eventually and everything will be alright, someday. However, I learned some problem would not go away quickly (like COVID19) and what if it will never go away? I remembered this quote:
“Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain.” —Vivian Greene
I need to find a way to cope with problems instead of waiting for it to go away. Also after experiencing death of my friend in 2019 and watching increasing in death number across the globe, I learned life is too short, don't wait for the problem to pass to experience happiness.
New Year's Resolutions, FORGET IT.
Although I have a few goals to achieve, my main focus of this year is to live in the moment. I used to have many anxiety and emotional flash backs. Neither of them are good for any of us.
“If you are depressed you are living in the past.
If you are anxious you are living in the future.
If you are at peace you are living in the present.”
― Lao Tzu
For 2021: Please Living in the PRESENT!
Saturday, February 16, 2019
3 Life-Shifts You Will Experience When You Turn 30

I don't look or feel very different. Many people say, I still look like 18 or 19. Haha. I am happy about that.
10 Year Challenge: 19 vs. 29

However, things do change, and I realized I "aged." Here are the following 3 major life-shifting people will experience once they reach the 30s.
1. Body:
I realized I can no longer pull an ALL-Nighter. I become tired so easily. My body would not function well without 6-7 hours of sleep each day. I am glad I finished school and proud of people who can still go back to school in their 30s and beyond. The BEST weekend activity is sleeping and spending time relaxing alone. I still like to go out with friends, but I don't enjoy partying anymore. I used to love eating a lot of junk food, but now, I often not feel well after a binge-eating. I prefer to eat healthier and less food.

2. Conversation Topics with Friends:
When I am in my 20s, I often talk about dating, applying/finishing schools, finding jobs, weddings, etc. with friends. Once the 30s coming to close, the conversation changes to mortgages, investments, promotions, changing jobs, starting a family, etc. Friends gatherings will begin to consist more couples than singles and sometimes there will be kids running around. As I grew older, I realized I will have lesser friends, but better ones. I learned friends are quality over quantity. Only true friendship would last throughout adulthood.

3. Dress/Hair Style/Picture Pose Preference
As I approach my late 20s, I definitely started to pay attention to my wardrobes more. During my early 20s, I wear jeans, t-shirts, and casual mini-skirts. When I got older, I began to buy more expansive and fancy dresses as well. I realized I don't need many clothes. I only need a few good-quality expensive clothes.

Age: 23 vs. 29
Moreover, I realized that when I am younger, I tend to do more silly and create bold poses. As I age, I became more conservative and less creative about how I picture myself. It shows well by comparing these two pictures at the Crate Lake in my early and late 20s.

At the Crate Lake: Early 20s vs. Late 20s
All in all, changes and shifting are scary but exciting. Here is to the new decade! Don't be afraid to grow. In the end, age is just a number. Also, each age group has its own blessing and fun!
Sunday, January 13, 2019
2019 Thoughts
When it comes to the new year, people like to make a list of resolutions, but a lot of people struggle to keep them. I used to make new year's resolutions as well; however, I often failed in keeping them. Over years, I tried different strategies such as keep have a plan, have more specific goals, etc., but they did not work well.
Last year, I decided to only make two MAJOR goals to achieve in the year. One did come true 😊. The other is partially came true 👌. For this year, I will make the second goal come true and one more additional goal. Moving forward, every year, I am going to stick just set one to two significant goals/life-shifts.
My birthday is in a month!! On my last birthday, I made three wishes, which included my-two-major goals.
- First one - came true
- Another one - partially came true
- The last one - may be coming true

Until Next Year or My Birthday in 2020, I would like to make my other two wishes come true or at least one of them.
Have a great 2019!!
Saturday, January 5, 2019
2018 Recap
Traveling to Europe for the First Time: I went to Paris, France, Switzerland, and Monte Carlo. Seeing the REAL widely-known places such as Effiel Tower, Louver Museum, Jungfraujoch - Top of Europe, Palace of Monte Carlo, etc. was amazing. I loved European food croissant in France and milk in Switzerland were unforgettable. I learned the history of art, royals, and nature of Europe. Travel is not only to play, but also to increase more knowledge. I'd love to come back to Europe again and continue to explore more countries.

Shifting Career: I went from working for accounting firms and conducting external accounting to a private firm and performing internal accounting. Although the tasks did not change much, I feel much less stressful.

Achieving 10-Mile-Run: 10 miles was the farthest I ever run in my life. I was scared that whether I can make to that far or not. I usually run about 3 - 6 miles and call it good. However, I decided to take the risk. "If it does not challenge you, I can't change you!" Thanks for all my friends for encouragement and tips. I am glad I did and it was not as hard as I expected. I felt awesome when I finished it.

Becoming Mentally Stronger: I have been practicing gratitude and optimism for years. But I still had the panic attack and negative thoughts here and there due. By the end of 2018, I am finally able to fully recover from anxiety and depression. It is not like the stress and problem don't exist, anymore; I know how to live with all the good and bad thing I am dealing with.

I am very proud of myself what I became in 2018. For 2019, I wish I will be more capable of doing tasks and become mentally and physically even stronger.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Tracy is Like Phoebe

I liked both shows equally. I understand that many people like to compare two shows and states that How I Met Your Mother copied friends. Characters are similar: Ross = Ted, Rachel = Robin, Monica = Lily, Chandler = Marshall, Joey = Barney. They also had several shared storylines as well.
1. Both of them play music: Phoebe plays guitar and Tracy plays ukulele and bass guitar.

2. Both of them were into causes: Phoebe was into Animal Rights, and Tracy was into Ending Poverty.

3. Both of them are the nicest girl among three and like to help people. Rachel/Robin tend to be a brat sometimes and Monica/Lily tend to be over controlling sometimes. Tracy/Phoebe is the most selfless and kindest girls among the three.

4. Both of them are quirky: Phoebe runs so funny and Tracy sings English muffin song.

Sunday, April 8, 2018
Am I Always Happy?!
-Dealing with Anxiety: I am constantly worried about the future: finance, family, relationships, health etc. I often scared of what going to happen tomorrow. Will my happiness continue to exist? Please don't take my happiness away from me.
-Career Development: I am still figuring out what I want to do and where I will be. Although I have a master degree, three credentials, and 3-4 years of work experience, I can't find security in the job. There are still a couple of "difficult" credentials to obtain, and my career stage is not yet where I would like it to be.
-Language and Cultural Struggles: I grew up in three different countries. Although I am fluent in three languages, it is hard to find "who I am," and "where I belong." I often have an identity crisis. I became scared that I don't fit in or I cannot be myself.
Enough sad stuff, here are what I do to maintain my happiness and distract from anxiety, career scare, and identity crisis.
1. Fitness: I enjoy running, swimming, and dancing. When I work out, I forget all the problems I am facing. I feel refreshed after gym. Working out is the best way to clear my mind.