"Bullied victims are 7 to 9 percent more likely to consider suicide according to a study by YaleUniversity."
"Studies in Britain have found half of the suicides among youth related to bullying."
"According to a study by ABC News over 30,000 children stay home every day due to the fear of being bullied."

I have been experiencing being bullied since pre-school, and I can still feel the pain after 20 years. I know I need to move on from my dark past, but if you have experience being bullied as a child, you will understand it is very hard to forget about it. Being bullied continued through elementary school to high school (even graduate school). Sometimes I cried myself to death, there were even days that I did not want to go to school because of the bullies. My behavior was strange sometimes and I developed low self-esteem.
I thought it will get better after high school as we grow older and become more mature. However, after experiencing bully again in graduate school and one of my previous workplace, I learned bullies would never going to disappear no matter how old we get.
Bully exists everywhere. No matter which country and what kind of community it is, there will be bullies. I grew up in three different countries, there were bullies in school from all of them. Moreover, It is not just in the schools, the bully can exist in a workplace, neighborhood, community, etc.
Furthermore, NOTHING can stop those bullies despite the fact that there are advocates who would like to have the word out to stop them. They might be able to reduce bullies but cannot eliminate them because most of the bullies are not aware of they are wrong. The only thing we can do is to avoid being involved with bullies and protect ourselves from them.
Remember that, NO ONE can save you from bullies besides YOU, not your parents, teachers, friends, nor boyfriend/girlfriend. The best revenge is to ignore them and be strong with improving yourself. The purpose of the bullies is that they want to see you cry and being sad. Do NOT let them get their way. After being bullied for long, I decided instead of being depressed, I worked hard to raise my grades and landing my dream job and exercise a lot to be strong. Now, I have more friends, happier, smarter, and stronger; I would not let anyone bully me, anymore.
Lastly, bullies it is not your problem, so do not blame yourself. They are the one with problems.
"You are awesome. Bullies are NOT."
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