Friday, July 6, 2012

July 4th Recap

Yesterday was the Fourth of July - Independence Day for America.  My local community park had breakfast and parade in the morning, so we decide to go. I felt glad that the weather was so nice. It was the perfect Portland Day I ever asked for. I think mother gave the PERFECT gift for Uncle Sam. 
I love how the bikes were decorated with American flags.
The line was very long. Maybe the entire neighborhood got out and went to the event. 
I was waiting for my turn. I played with my camera to kill the time. There were even more people behind us. 
Thanks for the Church of Jesus Christ for sponsoring the event for our community. 
I love how the tablecloth and ballon were also decorated like American flag. 
Finally my turn was getting closer, I felt it took forever. Thanks for all the volunteers who helped. 
There were different kind of pancakes, muffins, pies, and fruits. They even had apple pie, lemon danish, cinnamon rolls and doughnut. Wow, I think I indulged myself a lot in the morning. I usually don't eat those goodies for breakfast. I like healthy breakfast, but breakfast like this once a while is OK, right?
There were speeches, prayers, recognition of people fought in the war, and national anthem.
The parade was about to begin.
One of the neighbor donated their old car from navy. 

After the morning breakfast and parade, I heard a lot of fireworks were going on around the neighborhood. I know there are three things must have in July 4th: BBQ, Parade and Fireworks. They all happened just near from my home.

I hope everyone had a great July 4th. Once again, Happy Birthday Uncle Sam!!

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